Friday, September 7, 2018

Damian Sylvia - 8 Ways the Government Can Cut Your Social Security Benefit

There's arguably no program more important to citizens during retirement than Social Security. Though Medicare's importance is growing over time, no social program tops the guaranteed monthly payout that nearly all seniors receive from Social Security in retirement. And 62% of aged beneficiaries lean on this benefit to provide at least half of their monthly income.
However, the federal government through policy action can alter Social Security income. Some actions could raise additional revenue for the program, ultimately buoying or even lifting scheduled payouts. Meanwhile, others are aimed at cutting long-term program expenditures and, in many cases, reducing monthly and/or lifetime benefits.
Read full article on The Motley Fool here. 

Damian J. Sylvia
Retirement Income Solutions
220 Monmouth Road
Oakhurst, NJ 07755