Saturday, February 21, 2015

Book: Brooks asks is $1M enough for retirement?

Is $1 million enough money to live comfortably in retirement? How much do you need?
USA TODAY retirement columnist Rodney Brooks answers these questions and shares some of his best columns in his new e-book, Is One Million Dollars Enough? A guide to planning for and living through a successful retirement.
The topics range from what to do if you haven't saved enough for retirement to how to cope if you retired earlier than you expected to living through a retirement disaster. The book is available at major online book stores, including AmazonBarnes & Noble,iBooksGoogle Play and Kobo.
Brooks writes in the introduction to the book: "Remember the good old days when you worked 30 years on the same job and retired with a gold watch and a pension? Your company took care of your health care in retirement. You paid off your mortgage and lived happily ever after.
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Damian J. Sylvia
Managing Partner
Retirement Income Solutions